May 2015

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone to reach in one’s life. Making the switch from renting to buying is a great feeling. However, far too often first time buyers put themselves through more trouble than necessary by making a few major mistakes. To help make the buying process easier, Group Guaranteed Title in […]

Deciding to purchase a property is probably one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever have to make. As you know, the home buying process entails huge investments in time, energy and money, which is why you should really think about whether this is the right time for you to take it on. If you need […]

Buying your first home is an exciting but long and demanding process. Before setting out on the journey, there are a few things to be mindful of to avoid problems and headaches along the way. Our experts at Group Guaranteed Title in Fort Collins have decades of experience between them, and would like to help […]